Monday, December 30, 2019
Qu es I-9 para verificar que se puede trabajar en USA
El formulario I-9 es la herramientaà que utiliza el gobierno federal para verificar que las personas que buscan empleoà en Estados Unidos cumplen con los requisitos migratorios para trabajar. Por ley, el I-9 es un documento que deben completar todos los empresarios, compaà ±Ã as, reclutadores y personas que refieren a un empleado a cambio de una compensacià ³n econà ³mica. Cmo funciona el I-9 para verificar que se puede trabajar en USA Cuando un trabajador busca trabajo y encuentra a un empleador dispuesto a contratar, debe probar su identidad y que està ¡ autorizado para aceptar empleo en los Estados Unidos. Por ley, en estos casos el empresario debe colectar documentos que prueben dos cosas. En primer lugar la identidad de la persona que solicita el trabajo, es decir, que es quien dice ser. Y, en segundo lugar, que està ¡ autorizado por ley para trabajar en los Estados Unidos. Para cumplir con ese doble requerimiento el formulario I-9 admite como prueba una serie de documentos, divididos en lo que se conoce como listas A, B y C. Documentos incluidos en la lista A Sirven para probar, al mismo tiempo, la identidad del solicitante de empleo y su derecho a trabajar conforme a las leyes migratorias de los Estados Unidos. à Si se presentar un documento de la Lista A, es suficiente con 1 sà ³lo. Por el contrario, si se elige un documento de la lista B, tambià ©n hay que presentar otro de la lista C à Los siguientes son documentos de la lista A para el formulario I-9: Pasaporte americano Tarjeta de pasaporte de los Estados UnidosPasaporte de los Estados Federados de Micronesia, junto con el documento I-94 de entrada y salidaPasaporte de las Islas Marshall con I-94 de registro de entrada y salida. Tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Para trabajar son và ¡lidas las tarjetas que tienen firma de su titular y tambià ©n las que carecen de ella.Pasaportes extranjeros con residencia temporal estampada en pasaporte. Es lo que se à conoce como I-551Pasaportes extranjeros con una anotacià ³n temporal I-551 en una visa de inmigrante que puede ser leà da por una mà ¡quina. Lo que se conoce en inglà ©s por sus siglas MRIV (machine-readable immigrant visa.Las tarjetas de autorizacià ³n de empleo que se conocen en inglà ©s por las siglas EAD. Deben tener foto de su titular. Pasaportes extranjeros con una visa de trabajo y con el documento I-94 de registro de entrada y de salida. En el caso particular de visas de estudiante o de las J-1 de intercambio puede que resulte necesario presentar mà ¡s documentacià ³n. Esto à ºltimo va a depender del caso particular de cada uno. Documentos admitidos para probar la identidad para trabajar: lista B Cuando no es posible presentar un documento de la Lista A seà ±alada anteriormente, entonces es necesario presentar 2à documentos. Uno para probar identidad de la persona que quiere trabajar, que es lo que se conoce como Lista B. Ademà ¡s, es imprescindible otro documento para demostrar que puede trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos, que es lo que se conoce como lista C. En otras palabras, se puede mostrar 1 documento de la lista A, o dos documentos, en cuyo caso 1 tiene que ser de la lista B y el otro de la lista C.à Todos los documentos siguientes està ¡n incluidos en la lista B para demostrar la identidad y, por lo tanto, se puede presentar cualquiera de ellos: Licencia de manejar emitida por uno de los estados de los Estados Unidos o uno de sus territorios, como por ejemplo, Puerto Rico. Debe contener fotografà a de su titular y datos como nombre completo, fecha de nacimiento, gà ©nero, altura, color de los ojos y direccià ³n actual.Una tarjeta identificativa (ID card) emitida por una agencia o entidad del gobierno federal, del estado o local. El caso mà ¡s comà ºn es el emitido por las autoridades del departamento de vehà culos de los estados y que son como una licencia de manejar pero precisamente no sirven para conducir, sino solo para identificarse. En todo caso deben estas tarjetas identificativas deben contener la foto de su titular e informacià ³n como nombre completo, direccià ³n, fecha de nacimiento y datos fà sicos como altura, gà ©nero y color de ojos.Licencia de manejar emitida por una autoridad de Canadà ¡ La tarjeta de registracià ³n para votarUna tarjeta identificativa de la escuela que incluya fotografà a de su titularTarjeta militarTarjeta de familiar de militar Record del servicio militar Tarjeta de Marineros mercantes de la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos, que se conoce por sus siglas en inglà ©s de MMDDocumento de una de las tribus nativas de los Estados Unidos Ademà ¡s, los menores de 18 aà ±os que no tienen ninguno de esos documentos mencionados, pueden presentar en su lugar cualquiera de los siguientes:à Rà ©cord de la escuela o de las calificacionesRà ©cord de la guarderà aRà ©cord mà ©dico de un doctor, clà nica u hospital Tener en cuenta que en los casos en los que se presenta un documento de la lista B que justo se acaban de listar, es necesario tambià ©n presentar un documento de la lista C para demostrar que desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias se està ¡ autorizado para trabajar Documentos de la Lista C para probar que se puede trabajar en USA Una tarjeta del Nà ºmero del Seguro Social sin restricciones. Es decir, NO se puede presentar como documento de la Lista C una tarjeta que incluye limitaciones como not valid for employment o valid for work only with DHS authorization.La Certificacià ³n de Nacimiento en el Extranjero (FS-545) o la Certificacià ³n de Reporte de Nacimiento (DS-1350). Estos documentos son emitidos por el Departamento de Estado a los nià ±os hijos de estadounidenses que nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos y que adquieren la ciudadanà a americana al nacer por derecho de sangre. La certificacià ³n de nacimiento emitida por la autoridad de un estado, condado o municipio de los Estados Unidos o de uno de sus territorios. En estos casos se admite tanto el original como copia certificada pero en ambos casos es necesario que contenga el sello de la autoridad que los emite.El certificado de naturalizacià ³nà El certificado de ciudadanà a americana, documentos N-560 o el N-561Documento de una tribu Nat ivo-americana.El I-197, que es una tarjeta que identifica a ciudadano de los Estados Unidos o el I-179, que es una tarjeta de identificacià ³n de ciudadanos residentesEl registro de ingreso y salida I-94 emitido a un asilado El Permiso de Reentrada que no està ¡ expirado, que tambià ©n se conoce como I-327Y, en el caso de residentes condicionales, se puede presentar la planilla que se conoce como I-797 junto con su green card expirada (I-551). A tener en cuenta Si no se cumple con el requisito del I-9, tanto la empresa como el empleado pueden enfrentarse a castigos. Por otro lado, no confundir el I-9, que es obligatorio en todos los casos, con el sistema e-verify, que es voluntario en la mayorà a de los casos y tiene como requerimientos siempre el tener que presentar la tarjeta del nà ºmero del seguro social y un I.D. con foto. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Free Trade Debate On Canada - 924 Words
In 1985, a report published by the Royal Commission on the Economic Union and Development Prospects of Canada recommended that Canada establish a free trade agreement with the United States (Quinlan, 318). Brian Mulroney took the advice and set foot to establish such an agreement. This lead to the creation of the Free Trade Agreement through the process of the Free Trade Debate. The Free Trade Debate has strengthened our economy and has reinforced our relationships with neighbouring countries. Therefore, the Free Trade Debate has positively impacted Canada into making Canada what it is today. To start, Mulroneyââ¬â¢s government started negotiations with the USA in September 1985 and struck a deal in October 1987. The FTA covered major areasâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Studies have found that about 75 percent of job creation in Canada was due to the FTA (Tilson). Furthermore, one in four jobs in Canada have been tied to international trade (Quinlan, 326). As a result, today, abo ut 5.2 million Canadian jobs depend on trade with the United States (Tilson). Moving on, imports and exports have increased drastically since the FTA took effect in 1989. According to the United States Census Bureau, Canadian imports had increased by 9.6 percent within the first year and an astonishing 23.3 percent in a matter of four years from 1988. Exports had also increased 7.7 percent within the first year and 19.1 percent within four years (United States). One major impact as a result of the Free Trade Debate was also the successor to the FTA which was the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA was basically an upgraded version of the FTA which incorporated Mexico into the North American trading bloc. Established on 1 January 1994, NAFTA created a trading market of about 370 million people (Wilkinson). Although this was only 8 percent of the worldââ¬â¢s population, it controlled about 31 percent of the worldââ¬â¢s wealth (Quinlan, 323). Moreover, NAFTA added many gre at benefits to Canada which has helped Canada in the long run. NAFTA covered topics such as free trade, no limits on imports, equal access to natural resources, Chapter 11, and a dispute panel. Firstly, the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Dry Leaves as Sand Substitute for Blocks Free Essays
Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus Cabadbaran City Dry Leaves as Sand Substitute for Blocks Submitted by: Dime Rose Diola Jerzeld Villalon Lyka Lou Arogancia Natasha Anne Payot Adviser: Prof. Nathalie Daminar Chapter 1 The Problem Background of the Study A leaf is a lateral photosynthetic appendage of the stem of a plant, commonly broad, flat, thin and of a green color. Leaves (plural) are the ââ¬Å"food factories of plants, the sites where most of the plantââ¬â¢s energy is produced [1]. We will write a custom essay sample on Dry Leaves as Sand Substitute for Blocks or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are leaves that provide a protective service when a plant is under attack. Leaves may also serve as a storage sites or help obtain food for a plant [2]. For plants, as defense, leaves protect them from enemies such as animals, diseases, and environmental extremes through specific defense mechanism [3]. The most important contributions leaves make to our planetââ¬â¢s ecosystem are through their processing of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen, though a waste product of photosynthesis is essential to plant, animal, and human survival. As leaves break down carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they also help determine global climate patterns [4]. On the other side, a block is a molded rectangular brick of clay or sand enclosed in a molder and hardened for long hours and used as a building and paving material. Bricks were often used for reasons of speed and economy [5]. The researchers aimed to make dry leaves into use not only by preserving it and use as decorations but by making it as one of the main component for concrete blocks. Also, to support the RA 9003 or known as Ecological Solid Waste Management Act for implement. Objectives of the Study This study primarily aims to make dry leaves as one of the main component in making concrete blocks to lessen dry leaves in the surroundings since some of us burned dry leaves which disrupt our ecosystem by creating harmful gases through smoke. Since the depletion of the ozone layer is coming to its worst, the researchers find some way to control this problem and to have temporary solution that will lead to a permanent solution on how to lessen dry leaves without burning it or by causing some harm both to the planet and to the people. And to support the waste management campaign in the country. Significance of the Study This study which aimed to find out if the dry leaves can be one of the main components in making blocks is significant to different sectors for various reasons: * Serves as an eye-opener for those who have problems regarding on how to reduce dry leaves in their community/area. * Provides durable and economical product. * Helps in controlling ecological waste. * Provide information to citizens with respect of continuous burning of dry leaves that destroys the planet or causing global warming. * Serve s motivating factor for home owners, construction workers and construction materials manufacturers to strengthen their capabilities for developing blocks and other processes to maximize the use of dry leaves in the society. Furthermore, the outcome of the study will provide empirical information to policy makers in Ecological Solid Waste Management (RA 9003). Dry leaves are usually burned down elsewhere and eventually produce hazardous gases in the air. Conducting this experiment does not only support RA 9003 but it also opens an avenue to develop technology in bricks in the community. Likewise, this provides all people an opportunity to enjoy living in a clear, clean and hazard-free environment. Scope and Limitation Creating dry leaves as one of the component for concrete blocks is the main concern of this research. This study is limited only in using dry leaves, cement, water and a little use of small stones and if the study is a success, it can be use in constructing buildings. Review of the Related Literature The oldest discovered blocks, originally made from shaped mud and dating to before 7500 B. C and were found atà Tell Aswad, Egypt. The first sun-dry blocks were made in Mesopotamia (what is now Iraq), in the ancient city ofà Urà in about 4000à BC, although the arch used for drying the blocks was not actually found. Other examples of civilizations that used mud brick include theà ancient Egyptiansà and the Indus[6]. In Europe, blocks were often used for reasons of speed and economy, even in areas where stone was available. The buildings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain were largely constructed of block and timber due to the demand created [7]. Inà pre-modern China, brick-making or block-making was the job of a lowly and unskilled artisan, but a kiln master was respected as a step above the former [8]. Bricks of concrete with sand aggregate can be made using a simple machine, and a basic assembly line method. A conveyor belt adds the mixture to a machine, which pours a measured amount of concrete into a form. The form is vibrated to remove bubbles. The form is then raised to reveal the wet bricks, spaced out on a plywood sheet. A small elevator then stacks these palettes, after which a forklift operator moves them to the brickyard for drying. Definition of Terms carbon dioxide- a colorless, odorless incombustible gas somewhat heavier than air. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are absorbed by plants, which synthesize certain carbohydrates and release oxygen into the air. oxygen- odorless, colorless, tasteless, gaseous chemical element that occurs free in the atmosphere. photosynthesis- the production of organic substances, chiefly sugars, from carbon dioxide and water occurring in green plant cells supplied with enough light to allow chlorophyll to aid in the transformation of the radiant energy into a chemical form. zone layer- an atmospheric layer within the atmosphere absorbing ultraviolet radiation and preventing some heat loss from the earth. climate change- is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weatherà patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. kiln- a furnace or oven for drying, burning or baking something as bricks, grain or pottery. Chapter 2 Res earch Methodology Research Design The researchers will use experimental method wherein the study focuses on the acceptability of the said topic. Several data were gathered before coming up with a procedure. Research Instruments Materials used in the study: * Brick molder * Cement * Dry Leaves * Water * Shovel Procedure: 1. Pulverize the gathered dry leaves. 2. Mix the pulverized dry leaves, 3 cups cement and 2 cups water. 3. Using a shovel mix thoroughly then put in a block molder. 4. Shape mixed substance. 5. Wait for the block to dry. Research Locale The study was conducted at one of the researcherââ¬â¢s home in Brgy. 12, Cabadbaran City. The place is complete with materials that are use in the study. How to cite Dry Leaves as Sand Substitute for Blocks, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Absorbent Mind 5 Essay Example For Students
Absorbent Mind 5 Essay Dr. Maria Montessori, and Italian physician and educator, observed the interaction between the child and her environment, taking note of the eagerness with which young children engage in the world around them. She also recognized the ease with which a child could learn during the first 6 years of life. She referred to this time as the Absorbent Mind stage because of the sponge-like ability of the child to take in new information. Many of Dr. Montessoris scientific observations and theories are being supported by brain research being done today, nearly 100 years later. You should be taking advantage of your childs absorbent mind and feeding it regularly. You can provide your child with hands-on materials and experiences that refine their senses in their every day environment. Giving your child the opportunity to participate in day to day activitiesfor example, cooking dinner, watering household plants, making their bed, filling a bird feederare just a few examples of the kinds of experiences that engage a young childs mind and body. Active participation in life gives the child the opportunity to think logically, sequencing the steps needed to perform a given task. Each task completed builds self esteem. When the childs mind and body are active his intellect is able to develop fully. Allow your children to explore the world around them, follow their interests, and learn how to delve into new experiences. As a Montessori teacher with 16 years experience in the classroom I have had the opportunity to guide 2. 5 to 6 year old children in learning to tie their own shoes, read their first book, count to 1000, bake bread, learn the names of shapes, countries in Africa, notes on the C-major scale and much, much more. None of those individual accomplishments compare to what a former student of mine recently wrote to me. I learned how to learn with Laura, wrote Emmanuel Verret (now 14 years old). No teacher could be given higher praise. As a parent, you are your childs first teacher, and they can learn much from you. As you think about how your child spends her day you may want to ask, Is my child having a five star day? Have I created a bountiful experience? Have new connections been created in that incredible brain? Is my child learning how to learn?
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